Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where did I leave off?

I really don't know when or where I last posted something. We were out of cell phone reception for a while near the Nevada/Utah border so I let things slide.

Mike and I are now at the SLC Amtrak station waitibg for the 11:30 PM train departure. Bob opted for the flight home.

We managed to complete the trip with no injuries or frostbite. It was pretty cold at time though. I think my nose and lips are looking forward to a few days recovery out of the cold and wind. I may still spend a day in the sauna when I get back home although it doesn't seem as urgent as it did about a week ago. I'd have to say that while the cold wasn't really nasty, I did find myself at times thinking a lot more about how to feel warm than how to appreciate the scenery.

I'm glad I got an opportunity to ride Highway 50. When I drove it a few years ago with Stan I looked at it through a biker's eyes and imagined it would be a challenge of note to ride, with the long distances between services. And that it would be an enjoyable route to ride with good road surfaces, few vehicles, and great scenery. I think it was both of those in reality, although with cold rather than heat perhaps the challenge wasn't as great as I had imagined. Maybe I'll have to do the ride again in summer. After figuring out how to carry 10-15 pounds less of bike and stuff.
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

26.6 degrees

It's time to go biking again and Mike's thermometer (I first spelled that termometer, which feels rather apt) says it is 26.6 degrees out. 26.6 degrees. I don't know what else to say.
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And we have a winner

When we were in Fallon, Mike was going over to the Nugget to play some slots. Both Bob and I gave him a couple quarters to play on our behalf. But the machines only took bills so Mike has been carrying the quarters for a couple of days, keeping Bob's and mine seperate. Tonight at dinner, there are slot machines that take quarters, so Mike gave the back. My first quarter was lost, but the second one hit triple sevens for a $12.50 payoff. I've told the guys that laundry is on me for the rest of the trip. We are living large now.
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Free range cows

There are fences along the road, but apparently here the cows get to decide which side of the fence they want to stand on. I don't know if it's a seniority thing, first come first serve, or some sort of cow union rules. About half stand on the road side of the fence and half stand on the field side.

Whichever side they are on, they don't seem to trust the intentions of me on my bike. No matter how friendly my greeting, they give me the stink eye, then either start to back away or run away. When they find they can't outrun me (yet, but I feel like I'm gettting slower), they turn, face me, give me the double stink eye, and dare me to invade their personal space at my own risk.

What I'm wondering is, if I became a vegetarian would they give me a more friendly greeting? Would they cheer or give some sort of cow clap? Do they only behave this way because they know how much I like a good cheeseburger?
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The sign in tonight's motel bathroom says

These towels are clean, but stained. Please use them if you have been digging, out drilling, or other activities that would stain towels.

I'm trying to decide if sweating like a pig for six and a half hours while the wind is blowing in your face qualifies under 'other activities'

The sign they really need is 'Your shower temperature may occasionally drop 70 degrees in 0.7 seconds. Please remain alert'

But the heater works, they have rags available for cleaning my bike chain, and the rate is $36 including tax, so I'm not really complaining. Plus, it's the only motel in town with vacancies and the next town is 80 miles away. So I'm really not complaining.
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Monday, October 5, 2009

Sitting in the bar in Middlegate

Two signs on the door on the way in.

One says 'Thanks for not smoking' and half the people in the bar are smoking.

The other says 'All dogs must be kept on a leash' and there are 3 dogs running around. The bartender is holding another in her arm so that probably meets the spirit if not the letter of the law.

Actually, there is a third sign. Men: No shirt, No service. Women: No shirt, Free drink. But there are no violations to report on that sign.

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The wind has decided to be our friend

When we first got into Nevada on Saturday I was ready to name it the state of 360 degree winds. The first half day on the way to Carson City it blew from every direction. Sometimes it seemed like even at the same time. I was riding into Genoa and there were flags at the antique store blowing left to right. I did a circle in the road to see where Bob and Mike were and by the time I completed the circle the flags on the ground were blowing right to left. The flag on the roof was still blowing left to right. If I was quicker I would have gotten a picture to prove it.

Maybe it's just a local effect next to the mountains because it has turned into pretty much a tailwind whenever it is blowing. Which is nice because not only is that helpful for biking, it's helpful for keeping warm. Which I value.
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Weather is holding OK

Yesterday (Sunday) in Carson City we saw some snow flakes in the parking lot before we headed out. Temp was in the mid to high 30's so the didn't live after they hit the ground. I put on 3 out of aboud 5 possible layers of clothes, and along with a face mask, winter bike gloves, and toe covers for the shoes the temperature while riding was tolerable. A little chilly when stopped, but nothing really uncomfortable. The week is supposed to warm up from here, with no more precipitation forecast so we should be good to go.
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I'll never catch up

I think I've missed too many days to catch up, so I'm going to skip ahead and backfill as possible.

We just arrived in Middlegate, the sign proudly declares it is the middle of nowhwere. I can muster no arguement. However, the bartender greated us with news that Len (who had to leave us 2 days ago) called ahead and put 3 beers on his tab. I already worship Len for his sag support (and cooking support) in getting us over Carson Pass, but the man is true legend now. Thanks Len.
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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Time to catch up on the blog

I've been a little slow to update this blog. But today ended a little
early so I thought it would be a good chance to catch up. I've got no
connection to send it anytime soon, but hopefully I can get them sent
out tomorrow.

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Friday, October 2, 2009

And we're off

Bob Len. Mike. and I headed off a few minutes after 7 Wednesday
morning. The objective is Salt Lake City (for no particularly good
reason) but we have a bail out option or 2 in mind in case the need
arises. I have no idea how this route really works so I'm making sure
to follow Mike or Len. Their neighborhood, I'm counting on them and
they didn't let me down. So we made it to Davis, no big stories. But I
managed two 70+ miles day in a row without problems, which normally
would not seem like any big deal except since I've been laid up with
strep throat for a week I was a little worried about that. Doesn't
look like I'll be able to use strep throat as an excuse if I struggle

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Gettting to Bob's

This ride to Salt Lake City was all Bob's idea, so we are starting
Wednesday morning from the park down from Bob's house. At 7 AM. Which
is too early to get up and drive there for me. So I used Tuesday as a
warmup ride to get to Bob's. 70 miles, flat, would have been a simple
ride except for what seemed like a 20 to 25 MPH headwind. Not sure if
it was that, but I do know that if that wind were blowing back when we
lived in Vermont I would have been out of work, picked up the windsurf
equipment, and been at Sand Bar State Park faster than you could say
'where did Jon go'. I don't battle much headwind in the South Bay so I
decided just to laugh at it, realizing that if it kept up for a few
days I probably wouldn't find it so amusing.

Got to Bob and Barbara's for dinner and in time to help Bob with final
setup on his bike. We were having some difficulties with the bargain
panniers he got from Performance Bike. I told him the parable of 'Brad
MacLean and the Kingsford charcoal' I'm not sure Bob saw the relevance
of the story, but the message is if you buy the cheap stuff, all bets
are off. So a quick trip to REI got him set up with a fine pair of
Ortliebs and all was well. Unfortunately for me, the UofM jersey that
was on the sale rack wasn't really on sale so I left without it.
Bummer. Like I needed another jersey anyway.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

what a great way to start a trip

Enjoying the worls's best sanmdwich at the Sourdough Eatery in San Jose. I wish I could eat one of these every day on the trip, but I don't think I'm going to find then in the middle of Nevada. AlthougH I may hallucinate one.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Trying to pack lighter.

That's the one thing I've learned from last year. So, fewer electronics, fewer changes of clothes, fewer places to pack stuff, no coffee for the relatives. Only one pair of reading glasses. But it still weighs too much. What's the secret that I am missing?
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